How to delete a set "Ripple"


so I would like to know if there is any way that I can delete a ripple that I have set in a video-timeline?

I do no want to delete the video or part of the video, but let’s say the ripple has been placed in the wrong spot, can i delete it?

I have tried quite a bit and not found a way, so thanks for help!

I’m having trouble understanding your question because of the way you use the word “ripple”. In Shotcut, “ripple” is a mode for the timeline:

You can turn the ripple modes on and off by clicking the buttons.

Maybe if you share a screenshot we can understand what you are asking.

In order to cut the video, I use the ripple-button (red circle) to create these cuts in the clip (green circle around the “ripple” lines).
Howver, let us say i don’t like a ripple-line that I’ve created and want to delete/undo this cut-line.

(How) can I do that? thanks :slight_smile:

The button your highlighted is called “Split at Playhead”. When you click it, it makes a split.

If you immediately notice that you do not want a split, you can just click the “undo” button (or use the shortcut CTRL-Z).

If you decide much later that you do not want the split, there is an option to rejoin them. Right click on the left clip, and look for the “Rejoin with next clip” option. That option will only be available if the two clips are from an original split and they can be rejoined.


Someone else not English speaker also thought “Ripple” means a blank region of time also known as a gap. It is because there is an Action in Shotcut named “Ripple Delete” so it sounds like Ripple is the name of an object. However, the meaning of Ripple is explained in the Glossary of the User Guide. It it easy, right-click and choose Ripple Delete. Alternatively, you can turn on Ripple edit mode:

And drag the clip to the right of the gap leftward to close the gap.

Perfect, that’s the info I was looking for - thanks!