How to Control the "Opacity" of Filter?

Hi, say, I have added a Filter to a clip, can I adjust its Opacity?

Depends on what the track is, but try the opacity filter.

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Hi @mactreouser

Suppose you want to use a Sketch filter on your clip and that you want to adjust its intensity (or opacity).

Add all these filters to your clip (in that order):

Mask: Simple Shape
Mask: Apply

The Mask: Simple Shape filter needs to cover the entire screen. So adjust its Position and Size values accordingly.
For example, if you’re working on a 1920 x 1080 project, set the Size values to 1920 and 1080, and the Position values to 0 and 0.
Also, reduce the Softness to 0 %

Obviously, you will use the Opacity filter to adjust the intensity of the Sketch filter.


I will add that this method allows to create cool effects in your projects. Some might call them cheesy though :wink:

Here are two example with the Mirror filter, and the Grid filter:


@MusicalBox Appreciate your efforts and you are always that kind and full of patience! Learned a lot from your tutorial Videos :innocent:

Do you mean this is a Standard Sequence of Filter, and “Sketch” could be replaced with any type of Effects to achieve the adjustment of Intensity/Opacity of the Filter/Effect?

There is a built-in filter set called Glow Intensity that has this same filter stack, but with Mask: From File locked to a 100% threshold for a solid white alpha channel. Does the built-in filter stack preview and export faster than Mask: Simple Shape on your computer? I can check for myself but the result might be different for people with fewer or more CPU cores than me. Anyhow, the Glow filter in the built-in stack could be swapped with any other filter like LUT for people like me who are always forgetting which Mask filter settings to use. :slight_smile:


Duplicate the clip on another track with the filter, then add the opacity filter on it Adjust opacity to adjust the intensity of the filter.
Keep the original clip with no filter on the track below.

Unprofessional, but very simple solution.

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Good question.
3 export tests using the same 60 sec clip in the Timeline:

No filter
Export time: 00:00:59

Export time: 00:02:11

Export time: 00:01:56

So, on my computer, export is a little faster when I use the Mask: Simple Shape filter.


The filter set’s usage of Mask: From File avoids this issue and the ease of changing it by mistake since it is the first filter and will show a rectangle control over the video. On the other hand, Mask: Simple Shape in a filter-set could easily be made to default to 100%x100%, and then it is more convenient to be to also limit the filter to a simple shape.

Comments about these trade-offs and votes whether to change the stock filter set are welcome.

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For inexperienced users, with the current (small) default size, it is quite obvious that there is a rectangle control in the preview. Not so much when it’s at 100% x 100%.

I made presets in the filter to use when I need the rectangle control at 100%.
Quick and easy.

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@MusicalBox @Ar_D
Does it mean, on top of the original clip, add a “blank” clip then add whatever Filters/Effects on the “Blank Clip”, then “Blend” into the original clip for more “control/adjustment” like intensity level?

If yes, the “Blank Clip” must be an Alpha Clip to see thru the original clip?

Well according to my previous post, yes, it’s not the best way, but easy enough and less time consuming, use all the filters on the top most track that has the duplicated clip, and just add the opacity filter on it to change the intensity, nothing else is required.

My solution has one drawback however, it will collectively lower the intensity of filter on that duplicated clip, you might have to create mor duplicates and seperate the filters among them to individually change the intensity.
It is helpful if you want to collectively reduce intensity, not recommended for individual intensity, gonna take more resources and time.

No, just remove the filters, and place it on the bottom most track, nothing to adjust there. It would serve as the original clip, the duplicated ones are the ones that are going to have filters.

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Sorry, I didn’t see your question.
Yes, you can use pretty much any other filter instead of Sketch.
Just make sure you place it at the same position in the list, between the Mask: Simple Shape filter and the Opacity filter

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@MusicalBox Thanks once again for the details! In fact,

  1. Why should place a Mask to before Opacity Filter? (the Purpose)
  2. Say, if I would like a add Vignette Filter to the Clip with Opacity (the result of Opacity Adjustment in Vignette Filter not so nice/natural), the Mask Filter should be placed before Vignette too?

@Ar_D Wow… it’s real simple and effective! I just give it shot, surprisingly awesome result, to me! :grinning:

So, as your suggestion, if I would like to apply 5 filters to the Clip, it’s better to duplicate 5 clips and place them on top of the Original Clip, then add (only) 1 filter to each duplicated clip (+ Opacity Filter) to control the intensity of each Filter?

In this case, wouldn’t those above’s clips “destroy” the colors of the original clip?

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I haven’t ever tested this, so I don’t know the answer. There might be more drawbacks like you say as destroying the colors. Really it just depends on your specific project, it may or may not alter the colors.

Yes, as long as you want to have seperate controls for each filters intensity. Otherwise all filters together in 1 duplicate will just give a collective intensity, which is a limiting factor if you want to dive in further in other filters intensity.

To be honest, there is no definite answer. It really depends on what you are working on, and if you know what you want.
Basically having all filters on a single duplicate with the opacity filter gives you a master control, not the individual control if I say in simple words.

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Mask: Simple Shape
Mask: Apply


Ok, got it! It’s clear :star_struck::+1:

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Alright :ok_hand:
By the way, what’s the Purpose of the Mask?

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