This is a big mistake. You should not be editing this. Near the top of your post, you said the Video Mode is already “UHD2160p 23.98,” but it is not in this project. This project is 1080p60. The video mode that is selected when no project is loaded is irrelevant to a saved project; that is for new projects. When the project is open, use Settings > Video Mode instead of editing Export > Advanced. After you make this change you do need to review the entire project because you changed something rather fundamental to the project. In the future the very first thing you should think about and set is the Video Mode.
which is the part clip that from phone
That usually means the video is variable frame rate, not safe for editing, and needs to be converted using Properties > Convert.
I cant find the AI fie
I do not know anything about an “AI” file as a solution, but Shotcut does not read Adobe Illustrator files.
Besides converting the problem video as explained above, another thing to try is to remove that part of the timeline and recreate it or to simply place something on an upper video track in that part.
You did not state where in the timeline the black video part appears using a timecode value and its duration. I will try to load your project with my media when I get that information.