Further Marker Additions And Improvements

Sorry but I am not going to take every other software into consideration. Only a few popular video editors will be considered for input. Others who need more need to wait for configurable shortcuts.

Oh wait, you are asking about non-shortcuts. Yes, there will be something visible in the UI such as toolbar buttons and/or context menu items.

Oui, c’est ce que je voulais dire, les raccourcis clavier ne doivent pas remplacer les commandes intuitives.
Celles-ci doivent obligatoirement exister, les raccourcis n’étant là que pour améliorer le flux de travail.
Je ne demande pas que Shotcut s’aligne sur tous les autres logiciels, j’essaie simplement de faire comprendre qu’il n’est pas évident de mémoriser tous les raccourcis de tous les logiciels que l’on utilise quotidiennement dans son activité professionnelle ou personnelle.

Yes, that’s what I meant, keyboard shortcuts should not replace intuitive commands.
The intuitive commands must be there, the shortcuts are there to improve the workflow.
I’m not asking Shotcut to align with all other software, I’m just trying to make it clear that it’s not easy to memorize all the shortcuts of all the software you use every day in your professional or personal activity.

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It’s not so much that Alt is only used for seeking. It’s more than the seek actions that have been established so far involve Alt. Since Alt+left or right is already seeking then the the expectation would follow that if I also hold Alt and press the keys that are next to left and right which are up and down it will also do some kind of seeking.

Looking at the keyboard shortcuts for the Playlist, most of them involve Shift. How about modifying the Alt+up and down keys to open the next playlist item to Shift+Alt+up and down?

That way, Alt+up and down are free to be used for marker seeking.

Well, up and down in Premiere are actually the keys to seek through clips not left and right. Same with Rǝsolve. That Shift+M, Ctrl+Shift+M business that Premiere has going on for marker seeking is awkward.

It’d be a good idea to start reserving those keyboard shortcuts way ahead of time like how you already knew M was going to be the marker shortcut key. Would you want a thread started for the members here to discuss what could be good shortcuts for those actions when they get implemented in the future?

By the way, I don’t know if this is actually a bug so I will mention it here, but with markers right now you can erase the name and leave the marker with no name. Is that how you want it? I don’t think it’s a good idea. The management dock is coming up and that needs names to be able to put on that list as well as being able to list them properly in Export > From. I suggest that if the name bar is left blank in the Edit menu that the name default to the “Marker #” format that was originally set for that specific marker.

Not really, because then you have itemize with some detail everything possible including the kitchen sink, some of which may not happen or even planned. And some people just say clone all the features of Avid, Final Cut, Premiere, Vegas, Resolve, and/or Lightworks and give us configurable shortcuts with these for presets (not going to happen, obviously). I am not very keen to design by committee. With my statement, I am simply considering some obvious things casually within context.

This is done for the next release

This is done for the next release

This is done for the next release

This is done for the next release

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@brian, I took the Markers Dock for a whirl. Here is some feedback:

  • I think there is way too many recent colors to choose from. The issue is that the list of recent colors gets so long that the Other option to go to the color menu gets buried and you have to scroll down to get it. That defeats the whole purpose of adding the Color option to the context menu which was to go to that color menu as quickly as possible. First, I think limiting the recent colors to just 4 is better. Second, is there any way that the Other option can stay on the same line in the context menu as “Color” and the recent colors just stack on top of it instead of them burying the Other option?

  • Entering the HTML codes for the colors in the search bar in the Markers dock doesn’t work. Can it be made to? It’d be nice and useful to be able to filter just colors.

  • I think the placement of the Markers icon in the toolbar on top should be moved. It seems awkward to have it come after Export and Jobs. Looking at the toolbar I think it would make the most sense to place Markers after Timeline.

  • Seeing the Markers icon in the toolbar got me wondering if the tooltip for the icon in the toolbar can be updated to include the shortcut key for it like they are included for the icons in the timeline toolbar?

  • I notice that if you use the mouse scroll wheel to change the Start or End while in the Markers dock and then you undo, it gets undone in small increments rather than going back to where it actually was last before scrolling the mouse wheel like when creating a range with Ctrl or when making changes in the Markers Edit menu. Can that be fixed?

Then, use less colors?!

First, I think limiting the recent colors to just 4 is better.

But not just any four right? The 4 most frequent, or the 4 most recent, or the 4 most saturated. So, someone will ask for an option to control those 4.

if the tooltips for the icons in the toolbar be updated to include the shortcut keys

Doing it the easy way breaks translations. There is probably another more difficult way that requires more code. One can simply look in the view menu now.

I think it would make the most sense to place Markers after Timeline.

Visually, that makes sense except the current order follows the order of the shortcut keys along the keyboard. So, your suggestion would break that unless one perceives Ctrl+Shift+6 as logically before Ctrl+6.

No. That’s what the “Other…” option is for. :slightly_smiling_face: To choose from the complete colors menu if the one the user wants isn’t in the recent colors list.

Isn’t it set up for them to be the most recently used colors? That makes the most sense.

Ah, you’re right! I stayed looking at the toolbar seeing what a better place for the Markers icon would be so I forgot to look there.

Or it can come after Filters in the toolbar so that it would be after Ctrl+6 in that menu. How would that look to you?

There is nothing in the UI that suggests these are “recent.” You only got that impression by reading the source code or its commit messages. I never got that impression. To me they are simply what I have chosen previously in this project. So, once colors start not appearing, someone will report a bug that a color they chose previously is not in the list. You explain “recent” and they report it as random because when I did X with a marker with color Y, that color was not made more recent. Now, you need to explain all the rules of what updates the recency of a color.

With this specific case, users will pick up on the fact that those are the most recently used colors. It will just come to them with experience. I really don’t believe that anyone will ever misreport this as any kind of bug because they will realize that if the color they want isn’t among the 4 then that’s what the “Other…” choice is for. That’s why I think it’s also important to not bury the “Other” option so that it’s the first thing the user sees.

Also, maybe “Other” can be given a different name like literally “Menu” or something like that? So then the user will read on the context menu “Color” then to the right of it “Menu”.

I kind of agree with Dan’s comments. We should not overthink this or make it overly complicated. I do not know the use case for having so many colors. And it is easy to scroll the menu with the mouse wheel to access the “Other” option.

The search only applies to the text. If you want to group the colors together, click on the header for the color column and all the colors will be grouped together.

Somehow Shotcut has to know when the user is done editing. The options are:

  1. Update the setting with every small change (current behavior)
  2. Update the setting when the control loses focus (tab to move to the next control)
  3. Add an “Apply” button.

I do not want to add an Apply button because that requires extra operations to make a change. I am unsure if requiring to tab out of the control is good. Will people understand that?

Well, there was a user here that literally said he likes having every marker be a different color:

This isn’t overthinking the issue, actually. It’s really about what the main point of putting the Color option in the context menu was about which was to get to the full color menu faster than going through the Edit menu and having to hit Okay twice to get back to the timeline. Picking from recent colors is actually an addition that came from the discussion in the above user’s thread. It can work nicely but quickness and having the least amount of movement to change a marker’s color needs to be kept in mind.

I also suggested limiting the recently used color list to a number like 4 because if the list gets so long that the user needs to start scrolling then at that point they might as well be at the full color menu but then to get there they need to click on “Other” which has been buried.

Is it possible to not have the “Other” option be lowered down and stay on the same line as “Color” while the recently used colors just go on top of it?

@brian, if the issue has to do with not wanting to complicate the coding of the context menu for Markers, the other option is to just ditch the whole “recent colors” submenu list and just have Color option take the user directly to the full colors menu. That was the original suggestion after all.

Ok let’s try to simplify this recent suggestion. When choosing a new marker color and there are already 4, one is to be removed. Which one? Would we need to keep track of every time someone clicks a color menu item as recent relevancy instead of simply removing the one at the top?

If it’s going by the most recent it would follow that the oldest one gets removed when a new color is picked.

I’m not too sure what you’re asking. If you’re asking something like if the order of the recent color list should change every time a color on the recent color list is picked then in my opinion no. I think what colors are on the color list and the order they are in should entirely be according to what’s picked in the full color menu. So if the user has their 4 favorite colors but wants to put blue as the most recent on the list and not the oldest, then they would have to pick that blue in the full color menu to rearrange the recent color list. If they pick blue from the recent color list it just stays where it is already in the list.

See you’re still not defining recent or age or misunderstanding mine. I’m not talking about order of menu items, but that raises another dimension. You are basing age and recency upon choosing OK in the color dialog after choosing Other. Many people will think “recently used” where used can be picking a color menu item or even possibly when choosing a previously used color in the edit dialog/form’s color dialog!.

Or through the Edit menu or the Markers dock. In my mind all those three paths (context menu, Edit Menu, Markers dock) lead to the same full color menu dialog.

You mean picking any color from anywhere? Like picking a color for font or background in Text: Simple and have that show up in the recent colors list for markers? If so, then no. That recent color list is only for Markers so it should just be what the last color for a marker that was chosen was from the full color menu dialog.


  1. User chooses other and blue. That is added to the color menu.

  2. User chooses other a few times and adds colors it does not like or use much. Ends up using blue a few more times.

  3. User decides a new color is needed, chooses other, and chooses yellow.

  4. Blue is removed from the color menu to make room for yellow.

  5. User wants to add another blue marker, but it is gone from the menu because the tool was not tracking usage in step 2.

I think you are hinting about the difference between “most recently used” and “most frequently used”.

I have been trying to find a way to do this, but the GUI framework does not provide a way. It stubbornly aligns to the top - unless the menu does not fit in the panel in which case it aligns to the center. I can move “Other…” to the top of the menu, but that does not help when the menu does not fit in the panel.

How about if I move “Other…” up a level in the menu?


That way the Recent list can be long without hindering access to “Other…”