I was watching the BBC TV coverage of the women’s world cup football and this stinger transition caught my eye so I’ve captured it and slowed it down to see in detail what is going on, frame by frame.
There’s a lot going on in the space of a few frames!
If anyone’s looking for a challenge, here’s one - re-create this (or similar) in Shotcut…
Interesting challenge @jonray,
I bet it will be fun to try something like this in Shotcut. On one track of course. Sadly, one tracks will mean compromise. There will be no graphics (and I guess no gradient) in the two panels.
Will need a lot of filters…
I see 2 Text: Simple filters, 2 Text: Rich filters, 2 Crop filters, 1 SP&R filter.
And most likely, somewhere in the list, a Mask: Simple Shape filter with a Mask: Apply filter.
And one or two Opacity filters.
Dang! At least 10 filters (and a lot of keyframes)
Ils ont utilisé une police de caractères haute, étroite et grasse. J’en ai quelques-unes sur mon ordinateur. De mémoire, deux d’entre elles devraient ressembler à celle de la vidéo
Faites une recherche sur Dafont avec les mots-clés suivants
Première police : “Tall Handsome” Deuxième police : " Watchtower "
Je pense qu’il y en a une autre qui conviendrait aussi. Essayez une recherche avec le mot-clé “Delirium”
They used a tall, narrow and bold font.
I have a few of those on my computer.
From memory, two of them should look like the one in the video.
Do a search on Dafont with the following keywords
First font: "Tall Handsome
Second font: "Watchtower
I think there’s another one that would work too.
Try a search using the keyword “Delirium”.
Hi folks - here is my attempt at re-creating this transition.
DON’T ASK ME HOW I DID IT!!! (Answer - lots of blood sweat and tears… several attempts… lots of mixing down… I had no chance of easily making it reproducible with several tracks and filter sets (!!)
This demo plays mine and the BBC’s efforts in direct comparison, played 5 times…
I will, though, with pleasure, give some clues as to how I did it.
Bon, je me suis fait grillé de quelques minutes
*Bravo @jonray * Voici le résultat que j’obtiens. Je ne suis pas très bon dans la sélection des couleurs du dégradé La police n’est pas tout à fait conforme, mais merci @MusicalBox qui m’a donné des pistes Je n’ai pas utilisé d’autre logiciel que Shotcut.
Well, I got burned for a few minutes
Well done @jonray
Here is the result I get.
I’m not very good at selecting gradient colors
The font is not quite compliant, but thanks @MusicalBox who gave me some leads
I didn’t use any software other than Shotcut.
Wow! Congratulations, @namna! Superb. How did you get the precise detail (circular design on the green background)? Your effect is much better than mine …
Wow! Félicitations, @namna! Superbe. Comment avez-vous obtenu le détail précis (dessin circulaire sur fond vert) ? Ton effet est bien meilleur que le mien…
I’ve been working on your challenge for about an hour now @jonray
My goal was to get a result as close as possible to the original while using filters on a single clip.
So like I mentioned in a previous post, with that restriction I can’t use graphics in the 2 panels.
Here’s what I got so far:
I have a one problem though.
For 3 of the 11 filters I hade to use Set Filter Start or Set Filter End
These are not saved when you save a Filter Set.
So when I apply (paste) the Filter Set to another clip, it is a problem.
There is a way to go around that, but that will be quite a puzzle…
@MusicalBox J’utilise très rarement Set Filter Start ou Set Filter End. A la place j’utilise une image clé type Discret qui n’influe pas sur l’image, puis au moment du départ du filtre, une nouvelle image-clé normale avec les paramètres de départ.
@MusicalBox I very rarely use Set Filter Start or Set Filter End.
Instead I use a Discrete type keyframe which does not affect the image, then when the filter starts, a new normal keyframe with the starting parameters.
Je suis impatient de voir comment vous allez organiser tous les filtres nécessaires sur un seul clip. - Arrivée et le départ des panneaux - Rétrécissement du texte - Masquer le corps de la police en ne laissant que le contour et tout ça synchronisé avec les panneaux.
I can’t wait to see how you’ll arrange all the necessary filters on a single clip.
Arrival and departure panels
Text shrinking
Hide the body of the font leaving only the outline and all that synchronized with the panels.