Filter size,position,rotation

Hi, is it possible to lock one position in the “size,position,rotation” filter, for example height, and then change only the width position when scrolling with keyframes. Thank you for your feedback.

Hi @pmmvideostudio

Not sure if this is what you want, but if you change the Size Mode to Distort, this will unlock the ratio constrain.

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I would like to change the position of the SIZE filter to “254” and only change the position of the width. I make “shorts” videos from classic 16:9 , here is a sample:

I think Reframe filter may be what you’re looking for, available in the latest version 2024.09.13. (Only add the filter to Timeline > Output)

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Not sure if this is what you want, but if you check the top checkbox, this will lock the top position.

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I need to do this but maybe I have the wrong workflow. I still have to fix the “height position”.Moving the arrows is very time consuming so I do it manually.

I think you want something like a “horizontal only movement lock” but there’s no such feature when dragging the VUI in the project view. There is a snapping feature when grids are enabled but (as far as i know) only works when dragging the edges, not the middle anchor.

One thing that might help (besides copy pasting the Y position every time is to use the mousewheel to change the X position (and hold Ctrl to go 10 pixels at a time).

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Hi @pmmvideostudio, as @daniel47 mentioned, you can indeed snap the horizontal movement to the grid, and to confirm, you can actually snap the middle anchor to the grid - see my short video.
I’m using a 2 x 2 grid for this.
I hope this is close to what you want to achieve.


Ooh, you are right, the grid line must be on the middle anchor, I somehow expected it to also snap to the edges while dragging middle (so bottom edge aligned with bottom video area). Good catch!

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@jonray , vous avez raison, la poignée centrale du rectangle accroche bien aux lignes de la grille.
Cependant, je ne pense pas que cela aide @pmmvideostudio car si je ne me trompe pas, son projet est vertical et la vidéo et horizontale. La vidéo est décalée en bas de l’écran du projet pour laisser la place à la bannière en haut de l’écran. Le point central de la vidéo n’est donc pas sur une ligne horizontale de la grille.
Dans ces conditions, la meilleure solution est à mon avis celle de @daniel47 qui préconise de déplacer horizontalement la vidéo en utilisant la molette de la souris sur la spinbox position X
Cela mériterait sans doute une suggestion pour demander de pouvoir verrouiller le déplacement dans le VUI avec des touches clavier.
Sans touche → Déplacement libre
Avec touche ALT → Déplacement horizontal
Avec ouche CTRL → Déplacement vertical.

@jonray, you are right, the central handle of the rectangle does snap to the grid lines.
However, I don’t think this helps @pmmvideostudio because if I’m not mistaken, his project is vertical and the video is horizontal. The video is shifted to the bottom of the project screen to make room for the banner at the top of the screen. The central point of the video is therefore not on a horizontal grid line.
In these conditions, the best solution is in my opinion that of @daniel47 who recommends moving the video horizontally using the mouse wheel on the spinbox position X
This would probably deserve a suggestion to ask to be able to lock the movement in the VUI with keyboard keys.
Without key → Free movement
With ALT key → Horizontal movement
With CTRL key → Vertical movement.

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Thank you all for your help. I find the CTRL or ALT key to be the most friendly solution for my project, so maybe it will interest some of the developers. I am just a user of this great program. Thanks to everyone involved.

No problem, @daniel47 - just thought I’d point it out, just to add to your helpful post.

Sounds a good suggestion to me. Seconded!

No problem, @pmmvideostudio - glad to offer help, and good luck with your video project!

Hi @pmmvideostudio
With Reframe filter, no need for grid. The frame is automatically locked at the bottom of the screen.
@Namna: Great suggestion

Avec le filtre Reframe, pas besoin de grille. Le cadre est automatiquement verrouillé en bas de l’écran.
@Namna : Très bonne suggestion


Wow, @serge,that is cool! Like it. I think I see more clearly what @pmmvideostudio is looking to achieve now.

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@pmmvideostudio , no sure whether this is what you were asking for, but I had fun tracking the red car, using my method of snapping to the grid, and keyframing the horizontal movements.

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@SergeC Je ne connais pas encore le filtre Reframe (je suis bloqué sur V24.01), mais en voyant votre vidéo, je présume que la vidéo exportée n’a pas la bannière supérieure. Comment la rajouter sans réduire la hauteur visible de la vidéo.

@jonray Votre bannière supérieure cache la partie haute de l’image et elle ne suit pas les déplacement horizontaux. Et si vous réduisez la hauteur de la vidéo, le centre ne sera plus sur la ligne de la grille, donc il n’y aura plus d’accroche.

@SergeC I don’t know the Reframe filter yet (I’m stuck on V24.01), but seeing your video, I assume that the exported video does not have the top banner. How to add it without reducing the visible height of the video.

@jonray Your top banner hides the upper part of the image and it does not follow the horizontal movements. And if you reduce the height of the video, the center will no longer be on the grid line, so there will be no more hook.

@Namna, Indeed, no banner in the exported video. I’ve reproduced the clip from answer 5 where @pmmvideostudio hides the banner. To keep it, leave Reframe 9:16 as default. In my example with a 1920x1080 clip, result = 608x1080.

Effectivement, pas de bannière dans la vidéo exportée. J’ai reproduit le clip de la réponse 5 où @pmmvideostudio masque la bannière. Pour la conserver, laisser Reframe 9 :16 par défaut. Dans mon exemple avec un clip de 1920x1080, cela donne 608x1080

or this way?
ou comme ceci ?

@SergeC Je comprend bien, mais sur vos captures d’écran, la bannière s’étale sur la largeur totale du player. L’image exportée étant représentée par le rectangle au contour blanc, cela signifie que dans la vidéo exportée la bannière va défiler. Or je pense que @pmmvideostudio veut qu’elle reste fixe.
En utilisant le filtre Reframe, vous devez donc aussi ajouter un SPR sur la piste de la bannière afin qu’elle paraisse immobile. C’est bien sûr faisable, mais à la sortie le temps total ne sera pas forcément plus court qu’avec la solution de @daniel47
Voici ce que j’ai compris de la demande de @pmmvideostudio

@SergeC I understand, but on your screenshots, the banner is spread over the total width of the player. The exported image being represented by the rectangle with the white outline, this means that in the exported video the banner will scroll. But I think that @pmmvideostudio wants it to remain fixed.
By using the Reframe filter, you must also add an SPR on the banner track so that it appears immobile. This is of course feasible, but at the output the total time will not necessarily be shorter than with the solution of @daniel47
Here is what I understood from the request of @pmmvideostudio

And the exported vidéo

Yes that’s exactly what it should look like, but I don’t know how you did it. Now I’m going to be a complete fool here but I can’t find the REFRAME filter , I’m running the latest version of the program.