Exported video look different from timeline. took 50 minute for 20 second video to export with huge filesize

  • What exactly is your Shotcut version? (Help → About Shotcut)
    • This is the version I think you have installed. Better to know for sure.

What are the specifications of your computer?

  • Operating System (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Data drives (M2.NVME, SSD, HDD) What is Shotcut installed on, and what type of drive is all of your media on for this project?
  • Anti-virus programs installed? Have you tried to whitelist Shotcut, or turn off all Anti-Virus programs?
  • While exporting, how hot is your CPU getting?

Now let’s look at your source video files.
I know these are proxy files created through Shotcut.
If you were to open Shotcut for a new project, open each original video file.

  • What does Shotcut show in the Properties area?

  • In your main project file, what is the Video Mode Resolution & Frame Rate? Click on Output, then Properties.

  • When you exported, did you change anything in Export → Advanced? If so, what did you change?