Hi everyone, I have a problem and please don’t reply “Shave”
I have got the green screen background quite good, but I have a big beard and so as you can imagine, it is an issue.
Everywhere is fine but around the edges of my beard it still has a very slight green to it.
Any ideas?
Don’t say shave!
Oi, I said don’t!
A tip from @MusicalBox in the video tutorial below. Add an “Alpha Channel Adjust” filter with the “Shrink Soft” mode:
[Shotcut Tutorial: Export videos with transparency]
In this video I explain how you can export a video that will keep it’s transparent parts when you use it in other projects. You’ll also learn how to remove the green background from a video and export it with transparency.
One of the advantages of exporting with transparency in .mov format is that it avoids the possible problems caused by using a MLT of size X in a project of size Y
Another reason someone might want to export as …
I live in Cyprus and that beard would be considered to be stubble, or a 5 o’clock shadow by some of the Othodox priests here.
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There is a way.
I saw it in one of the many posts here on the Forum recently about transparency and greenscreens.
But which one…
It might be AlphaChannel:Adjust:Threshold.
It looks like @Elusien has the real scoop.
By the way, if you want to use a “virtual” green screen (using Webex Meetings software), rather than a physical one, have a look at this video here:
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March 29, 2021, 3:38pm
There is also a Key Spill filter for advanced control.
March 29, 2021, 4:05pm
Vous n’êtes pas obligé de la raser,
vous pouvez aussi la teindre.
You don’t have to shave it,
you can also dye it.
Thanks but I use the green screen for layers.
I have my background as the lowest track and me in the middle and that way I can add photos or video behind me but over the background and text over or below me.
A green beard would look good for St Patrick’s day. I believe they turned the Chicago river green on that day this year.
June 27, 2021, 2:54pm
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