It appears you are attempting to applying a filter to all clips selected. This will not work. The very first clip you have selected before selecting all has that crop filter applied to it, not all clips.
Deselect all clips by doing this.
Since you have already made a bunch of cuts, you’ll need to copy/paste each filter to each cut individually using the copy/paste buttons in the filter panel for each clip.
1= Copy 2= Paste
If your source file wasn’t split, you can just apply the filter one time to the source, so when you start splitting them apart, or creating playlist items, the filter will be with each clip.
You don’t understand. They are all done. It was the first thing I did before cutting anything. Thus far, only one frame has actually accepted the filter. I looked at its properties, but they look identical to me to the other clips. I’ll be happy to deselect as you suggested, but the only reason I had that selected was a desperate attempt to get it to accept the entire source on one filter.
Here’s a picture. As you can see, the filter is at 72 on the bottom to cut off the words and the Aspect ratio is working on the sides. The filter does not activate except on that one clip I mentioned. I’ll try and find it and include that photo next.
In your first screen shot the play head and thus the frame that appears in the player is not from the selected clip (red rectangle in the timeline). Each clip object has its own set of filters. Double-click a clip to select and seek to it.
Go to a frame where the image is not correct and press Ctrl+Space. That selects the clip under the playhead. Now, look in Filters and what do you see? If Crop: Source is there with the correct parameter values, look in Keyframes to see if the filter has been trimmed accidentally or by some bug: