Win10, SC v250125 (originally discovered on v240913)
SC reprodicible crashes with my template after following steps:
- open tempate
- add a video and audio track to playlist. Audio needs to be exactly the same sound, which is recorded also in the video. In my case it’s a 4k VBR video for dancing instructions. I have the sound of the room on the video and want to replace this (bad) audio with the “original” studio audio, in sync with the moves in the video.
- cancel “convert to edit friendly” of the VBR video (no need here)
- pull video to video track in timeline
- pull audio to audio track in timeline
- move tracks enough to the right so that there is room for alignment (shift left of a track)
- select video clip and “Align To Reference Track” - verify that alignment worked OK
- click on header of audio track ==> crash
The project has a few filters configured in the track headers(!) so that I have them available for each new instance of the template. That’s why I click on the audio track’s header: I want to change one of the filters.
If I save the project after step 7, then the crash does not occur.
see attached template
Project crashes.mlt (12.0 KB)