My earlier post under the “bug” category didn’t trigger any replies - maybe I was asking too much to recreate the test files required to reproduce.
So I give it another try after spending some more time preparing a complete test case, and some refinement in the steps to reproduce:
SC (5.3 MB)
- place the 3 files “TEST 2 crashes.mlt”, “TEST 2 Video 2 (Zero8) - audio track_crop.flac” and “TEST 2 Video 2 (Zero8)_crop_480p.mp4” into same folder. The FLAC file was generated from the mp4 file, so it is identical to the audio track of the video.
- Open the project file “TEST 2 crashes.mlt” in SC (tested with v250125 an v240913 on Win10): video and audio tracks are not aligned. Audio track starts later than video.
- Select video clip and “align to reference track” from context menu.
- Select track “audio only (R)” as reference track. So we expect that the video track gets shifted right to align with the beginning of the audio track.
- Click on “process and apply” in dialog. Watch the progess bars and: Nothing happens. The video track is still at the same position.
==> Oops 1: Why does the alignment fail, without any error message?
Anyway, lets try the other option: shift audio track left to align with the video track:
6. Select audio clip and “align to reference track” from context menu.
7. Select track “video + audio (L)” as reference track.
8. Click on “process and apply” in dialog. Watch the progess bars and hooray: The audio track gets shifted left so that both tracks are aligned.
9. Oh wait - let me change some filter settings, which I specified in my template in the audio track header: Click on the track header of the “audio only” track
==> Oops 2: Shotcut crashes
In short:
- Why can I not freely select the reference track (if there is enough room to shift a track left, without going into negative time), and why is there no error message if alignment fails?
- What is wrong with my template so that it makes SC crash?
The attachment also contains an application log (cropped and annotated), until the moment SC crashes.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything looking like a crash log under C:\Users<myname>\AppData\Local\Meltytech\Shotcut. Should there be any?
I’d really apreciate any insights or help to get this straight.