Cracks and pops when recording on Macbook

OSX Catalina
Have tested many Shotcut Versions. Current 24.01.31
16 GB RAM core i7

Microphone: AudioTecnica Condenser MIC

Same Scenario: recording only audio:
Audacity: GOES WELL
Shotcut: Cracks and pops both: Exported file and when listening the recorded clip.

In library and timeline there is nothing but a PNG still image. NO VIDEO. 1 minute.

Using Yamaha Mixer MG10UXF via USB. Have tried updating opus codec/plug in
it’s been 2 days now trying many other things.

I 've already tried the whole previos reported questions about this in the forum but no success… im getting crazy cos i love shotcut! ON MY LINUX MACHINE IT WORKS SMOOTHLY with only a headset.

Thank you!

This is a known problem as reported below but not in the Bug category. I will accept this one in the category for tracking purposes. It appears to be a problem with ffmpeg on macOS. I have not found an argument to improve it, but maybe you can.

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