Black bar at the bottom of image when using size and position filter

When the filter is off vs when the filter is on:

This little black bar at the bottom always stays the same width no matter how I change position and size of the image. It also appears in the render. My video is set to 656x160 as is the aspect ratio.

How can i get rid of that?

Ne serait-ce pas l’ombrage du cadre du VUI ?
Disparait-elle lorsque vous cliquez sur cette croix ?

Wouldn’t it be the shading of the VUI frame?
Does it disappear when you click on this cross?

Capture d’écran 2021-03-13 à 16.01.32

No its not that you can see the frame on the left side. Also as already said it appears in the render aswell.

When you are in the keyframes window, the filter is applied.
Focus is still on that clip.
When you deselect the filter from that clip, that VUI border goes away.
The filter is selected for the whole clip, although you are trimming most of the filter from the clip.

As @Namna stated above.


Et cette barre noire n’est pas visible dans la vidéo originale ?

And this black bar is not visible in the original video?

no its not. its just cropping away the last 10 px or so. if i scale the image down 50% for example the full image shows. no black bar.

Avec quel filtre rognez-vous l’image ?
SPR redimensionne mais ne rogne pas

With which filter do you crop the image?
SPR resizes but does not crop

I do not crop the image.
It gets cropped by the SPR but i dont want it to be cropped. Thats exactly my problem.

Je suis désolé, je ne sais pas. Chez moi le filtre SPR ne rogne pas l’image.
Quelqu’un d’autre pourra sans doute vous aider.

I’m sorry, I don’t know. In my case the SPR filter does not crop the image.
Someone else can probably help you.

Can you show a screenshot with the filter deselected?
What is the source clip resolution?
What settings have you applied to that clip?

Just as @Namna showed here, above, we need to see screenshots of the Filters window, @randombluescreen, so that we can know exactly what filters are currently active, and with what settings, in order to help you.

Sorry but i kinda feel like you think im dumb. I literally said 3 times that it was even on the final render but here you go. Unselected but still there.

videosettings are 656 x 160 ratio the same 60 fps changing these doesnt help.
the image is 656 x 160 (with transparent bg if thats important)
the only setting i changed in the SPR filter is the bg color to transparent.

Also this applys to all the images that i use. As soon as i use SPR the bar at the bottom appears.

I may be misinterpreting what you say, but you have the Y position in the SPR set at -30, which will give you a black line at the bottom 30 pixels high. Is this not your problem?

Non @Elusien cette capture d’écran est celle de MON UI utilisée pour montrer la croix qui désactive le filtre

No @Elusien this screenshot is the one of MY UI used to show the cross that disables the filter

I thought it couldn’t be something that simple - but you never know.

Je pensais que ça ne pouvait pas être quelque chose d’aussi simple - mais on ne sait jamais.

nope thats sadly not it.
This is the actual image file for comparison: bluescreen overlay standard

Can you post a screenshot of the whole Shotcut window with the SPR filter selected, then we can see all the parameters?

Yeah sure here you go.

I didn’t change a single thing tho.

I can’t reproduce it with the image you posted on a single track. One reason for asking for a screenshot of the whole Shotcut window was to see what sort of timeline / tracks you had and whether you had mistakenly applied a filter to the “Output/Master” track.

ok i made a new project added my image and the only thing i did was to add the filter.