BETA version 25.03 now available to test

Not a big release, but a roundup of fixes and small improvements.


Edit: they were false positives indeed, now they aren’t flagged anymore.

Not a big release? Please allow me to disagree.

For me, Toggle Filter Overlay and horizontal/vertical restrain in the player are BIG improvements. Very pleased with that. I also like that now, the Video Mode (+ project name and location) is displayed in the window’s Title.

Thank you!


Likewise, I consider the Copy Current filter button and the less-sensitive Color Grading wheels to be massive quality of life improvements!


Agreed too! All said above, plus : this feature will be amazingly useful for me:
2025-03-14 10_04_21-Release v25.03 BETA · mltframework_shotcut · GitHub
Thanks, @shotcut and @brian!


I’m not sure if this is a bug, but resetting the parameters brings them to the maximum right values, which are different from the default preset.
I mean the new filter.

pouvez vous me montrer comment fonctionne en detail

Toggle Filter Overlay
et Limite horizontale / verticale.


can you show me how it works in detail

Toggle Filter Overlay
and Horizontal/Vertical Boundary.

Thank you.

C’est un raccourci-clavier (Ctrl+Shift+Q) pour cacher/montrer le rectangle de contrôle dans la fenêtre de Preview. Voir cette discussion.

Permet de limiter horizontalement ou verticalement le déplacement d’un objet dans la fenêtre Preview en maintenant la touche Ctrl enfoncée. Voir cette discussion


Tank you.

fixed. I also noticed that 360: Cap Top & Bottom UI is not loading that I fixed.

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installed n testing !

I think it makes sense to make the default “horizontal” parameter the same as “vertical” - 20, as is done in other filters with two parameters, for example “blur:box”.

SPR filter.
The “Rotate” parameter forces keyframes to be turned on.

That is a good comment if this were a new filter. But since this is a modification to an existing filter, I prefer to maintain the previous behavior.

Good testing! This is fixed.

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Nah, because most usages you only want to use it one direction. The current default is appropriate for the name of the filter (think analog video). Otherwise, if it were named like “Offset” then both would default 0.

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I’m using yesterday’s nightly with the filter icon on the clips and I noticed I can’t click+drag that clip if I happen to have the mouse directly on the icon (the mouse cursor changes to an arrow, doesn’t stay as the hand for moving). This is very noticeable on short clips and smal clip height (because the fade in/out round thingies also appear to the sides so I can only drag the clip from around center).

enabled: parent.height > 20
to Line 432 of qml/views/timeline/Clip.qml makes the background clip draggable when the clip height is at the minimum.

The icon is disabled, and the clip can be selected and dragged:

The icon is enabled, and when clicked, it brings up the Filters panel:

Could it be the solution? There is a simple workaround of clicking the Zoom Timeline In tool button a few times so that the clip width is sufficiently long to select and drag.

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Oh I didn’t realise clicking it brings up the filters panel as I already had it visible. Good workaround, works for me! Thanks.

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@brian and @shotcut - The vertical/horizontal restraint on the SPR filter ( CTRL + drag) is a great idea but I’m finding that it is a little erratic. Seems that if I drag in a vertical direction, at times my mouse only has to veer slightly in a horizontal direction and the element I’m moving seems to jump. Likewise when trying to move horizontally.
Has anyone else experienced this?
See this very short demo (no audio):

I was wondering if the sensitivity could be altered somehow to guarantee (for example) vertical movement only once the mouse has initiated moving in a vertical direction, and vice versa?
Or maybe CTRL + drag to only allow vertical movement, and
CTRL + SHIFT + drag to only allow horizontal movement (or something on these lines)?
Just a suggestion. Great feature!