Applying Filters to the whole track, precision

Hi, i just joined this forum because i was looking for knowing if ti is possible to apply a filter in all the videos on one track.

And the answer is YES (and it’s really easy). You can see the question asked here : Applying filters to the whole track (pics and video snippets) (that was my inspiration for writing the title of my topic)

At the beginning, i had some difficulties to find an answer as my english is a bit poor.
It takes me a time to discover that, in english, you say “track” to talk about “piste”.
So, for helping people like me to find what they are looking for, i will write the question and answer in french, below.

But before to doing this, i want to add some precision to the answer have been done on the topic i put on a link just before.

So, to be a complete answer, i want to say that :
if you want to apply a filter to a whole track, you have to click the track until you have a red square around it, like in this screen print :


as you see, the track named “film” is blue with red squarred around. That mean it is selected and you can apply a filter.
Dont click the title but click near the icons.

Pour appliquer un filtre à l’ensemble des contenus d’une piste vidéo, c’est très simple.
Il faut cliquer sur la case de la piste qui contient le titre, tout à gauche dans la timeline (mais pas sur le titre lui-même car ça c’est pour changer le texte-titre de la piste, essayez plutôt de cliquer à côté des icônes). Une fois qu’un cadre rouge apparaît autour de la case de titre de la piste (comme dans la capture qu ej’ai faite), vous pouvez appliquer un filtre dessus.
Dans la capture que j’ai mise ci dessus, vous voyez en bas à gacuhe, la case de la piste “film” est bleue, encadrée de rouge.
quand c’est comme ça, vous pouvez appliquer un filtre comme d’habitude (onglet filtre, cliquer sur +, etc)

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