Applying a filter to several clips/ Appliquer un filtre à plusieurs clips

Hi everyone,

As I had split a short video clip into several parts, when I wanted to use a filter I realized I didn’t know how to apply the same filter parameters to the four parts of my clip without having to do the whole process four times.

Ayant choisi un filtre APRES avoir coupé une video en quatre bouts, je voulais appliquer ce filtre aux quatre petits bouts sans avoir à choisir les mêmes paramètres 4 fois. Comment fait-on? Merci

Thank you for your help,


Hi @JeanA4

Check this Documentation page.

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Wow, impressive. Takes some doing but I should manage.
Merci beaucoup, ça devrait le faire, après un peu de réflexion.

Thanks a million !


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I have tried your method and incredibly enough, when after opening Filters I select several clips the Filters PLUS sign is greyed out.

I deselect the clips and only select one, and then it it is the COPY CHECKED FILTERS that is out of order.

Something I did wrong ??



You need to add the filter(s) to ONE clip first.
Then copy the filter(s) from that clip, select the other clips and finally got to
Timeline Menu > Edit and Apply Copied Filters

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My Copy icon remains greyed out whatever I do but I have managed to use the Save a filter set and Paste icons. Thank you very much.

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