I’m using shotcut for the first time and I haven’t found a way to do this yet… hopefully it’s me.
I am making a movie which is mostly a slideshow.
I added a bunch of photos to the timeline using “add selected to slideshow” and all’s well… Clicking on one of the pictures and showing its properties, I see a duration of 4:15 (which is OK since I asked for 4.5 second slides with 1 second transitions).
If after doing this, I want to adjust the duration of all the slides (say add 0.5 seconds to each) so as to match the duration of the slides to the length background music I run into a couple of problems:
Changing the properties value of 4:15 doesn’t seem to be doing anything (it keeps reverting to 4:15 after I enter the new value).
Changing the duration by dragging the edges seems to work but the number it starts from (for a picture in the middle of the slideshow) is 2:15 (I guess it’s net of the 1 second transitions at each end).
I cannot change more than one at a time. If I want to add 1/10 of a second to each of 30 slides I can drag each one individually (which is a pain) or lift the old photos, re-insert them with a new duration, and drag them to the right place after making some extra room by dragging the next clip out of the way.
Another issue is what to do if I want to swap two photos (say photos 3 & 4). Because of the way the transitions work, it seems I have to delete the transitions between 2 & 3, between 3 & 4, and between 4 & 5, then swap the photos, extend their duration, and then drag as required to create the new transitions. Alternatively, as before, lift the whole lot and re-insert. Am I missing something
Thanks in advance,