Does anyone have a free to use or know where I can download a good quality transparent gif showing click on subscribe & click on notification bell for YouTube that I can overlay on my videos?
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone have a free to use or know where I can download a good quality transparent gif showing click on subscribe & click on notification bell for YouTube that I can overlay on my videos?
Thanks in advance.
Hey there @singhms,
As you asked above, I know some sites where you can download these clips but they aren’t as gif.
They are : Pixabay.com,
These are the sites which I use for video clips.
How to use :
- -Download any clip as your wish from these sites.
- -But the condition is that it has to have a white background.
- -Now import that video into shotcut and add “Chroma key : Simple” filter.
- -Now click on that pick color button near the chroma key color selecter icon and click on the white space on the screen.
Hope this helps
And if you will to. you can definitely visit my channel and watch my videos.
Maybe yes, Subscribe.
Thank you
With Regards
Thanks a million @Speeding_Snail
Will definitely have a look
GIF files don’t have (alpha channel) transparency. You have may considered this but the easiest solution is to download a YT green screen subscribe, there’s literally thousands, just pick one of the better quality ones.
Edit: What I suggested may actually contravene YT TOS so probably best not to do that.
I made this for you hope it’s helpful.
Well I made this video myself, took 3 hours to animate.
press right click on video and press save as video in menu
Great, which software did you use for animation?
I would message you privately. Shotcut could get sad that I recommend other software for animations.
well i also followed this video to make my animation
5 months ago I saw this video than searched for tutorials to make this and finally I made this.
@Somenath_Garai thank you so much, will have a look and get back to you. Have a great day!
@Ar_D thank you very much for the effort, appreciated.
Well I am not plagiarising, I made this finding tutorials on youtube and the same thing is also made with whitescreen by other youtuber
Can’t anybody make this same thing I also created another video with this animation only with blackscreen with more effect
And I created both of them (Green Screen and Black Screen) with keyframing in premiere pro.
And I always mention the copyright owners, For Eg:-
Hi folks, I made this with Shotcut and @elusien’s fragmentation/defragmentation utility. Feel free to download and use if you like it. Chromakey out the black background…
Thanks, how do you “Chromakey out the black background…”
Hi @singhms. Put the video on V2, above your base video. Select the video clip on V2. Go to Filters, press plus, and type “CHRO” into the field. Choose the "Chromakey (simple) filter. Click on the eyedropper. Then click any black area in the preview pane. The black will turn transparent.
Now that looks awesome
@jonray thanks a mil, this is a cool trick/feature I am sure I will definitely use it for other things as well…