Wipe Mask Transition Using Glaxnimate

Enjoy the Tutorial!


He’s back! Very good tut Ben. Quite easy to follow for the beginners.

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Thank you!

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Wow, that’s an impressive result. Bravo!

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Thank you Ben for this awesome new tutorial

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Thank you. Super good glaxnimate tutorial.
How did you create the subtitle? With external software?

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Thank you for watching!

Thank you. Enjoy!

Merci Bentaculaire pour ce tuto, si bien expliqué, je suis impatient pour le prochain sur glaxnimate.

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Thank you! The subtitle is not part of the video. That is set up on Youtube.

Je t’en prie! Je suis heureux que vous ayez aimé

@bentacular - Hi Ben! Glad to see you are back and in fine form! This is brilliant - clear and very helpful. We need more Glaxnimate tutorials… Thank you! :grin:

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Jonray, thank you! I’ll try my best to come up with more as I discover them. I hope you’re doing well!

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Hi Ben Thanks I enjoyed that. Does Blaximate contain things like shapes of objects planes, ships, cars, buses that you could use with lines to make holiday videos to put on a map to let the audience know where you are going .

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I’m not aware that they have those custom shapes. They have the typical, circles, squares and even a star shape…

Just like Shotcut, clip-art is not built in and one uses Shotcut - Resources (or other sources) to get them. The Animation section is stuff supported by Glaxnimate. If you do not want the animation part, you need to dissect it a little and copy and paste some of the animation’s shapes into a new, static Glaxnimate timeline. Of course, you can also non-vector clip-art shape images too - both in Shotcut and Glaxnimate - but they might be more difficult to dissect and extract since they are not structured.

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