when I open the software so many sections shows up. want to use only video and zoom filter

Hi, Members,
I downloaded this wonderful video editing software and opened . It contains so many sections to view and so many menus that one gets confused which to use. If suppose, i want to play a video and zoom in to see the picture , in some movements of the video, I need all other menus to be not shown .the confusion is If i click +,it goes to add filters and i could get filter list. In another menu if i use the plus, it shows some other menu. In a way , if i want some functions, I want only those mneus to be showed up for easy viewing and editing if necessay. I see some playllist,preview, timelline frame all in one opening. Please say, how do i hide, some from the opening screen, to only play and want to zoom in if i want to . could someone help me.

Use the View menu

I have unchecked all the tick menus. still i filnd too many tabs.i do not know, which tab to use for full video with zoom in only

I think a good first step would be to look for a quick tutorial on basic editing with Shotcut.

You’ll likely use at least 2 tabs: the filter area to add the zoom effect, the timeline area for cutting parts of the video (you can technically skip this), the video preview area to see what you zoom and at the end the export area (well just one button from it).
Basically all of them are right where you need them so you can just get into the work as soon as possible.

All video editors look complex when you’ve never edited before so you might need to spend half an hour on some tutorials.

Here is the minimum layout you are looking for:

1 tab that is not removable under the player, and it can be done using only the View menu as already explained.