When i export a video the audio isn't synced?

I placed a video into shotcut, and some audio to go along with it, but when i exported the file, the audio was late, but the video was fine, note that they were in different tracks

Why is this a bug?
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In the picture below, i placed a clip, and edited it a little bit, only cutting it.
I placed audio below it (a hit sound effect in this case) and it synced with the video fine
in shotcut, but when i went to export it, the sound effect was 1 or 2 seconds late.
This happened with all the rest of the seperated audio as well.

Probably the media player you are using. Try another one.

I tried exporting it as a avi file, but I got the same results.

1 or 2 seconds late is really far off! Can you show the audio tab for the properties panel for the sound effect clip? I wonder if there is something unique about the sound effect clip that causes it to be off.

If that helps.

I have been editing this video for about 3 hours now, so it would be satisfactory if i didnt have to start over

Which media player are you using? VLC? Try something different.


Sorry bout that. :confused:

That’s the right one. Nothing unusual there.

Could you share a bare minimum project + clips that reproduce the problem? Ideally, it would be one video clip and one audio clip.

Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, ico, tiff, tif, zip, pdf, txt, mlt, edl, rpt, log).
Do i send you the mlt?

fortntie test hitting.mlt (6.1 KB)
There we go.

MLT is just text, you’ll need the associated video and audio files.


The file was too big, so this was the best i could do.

Anything wrong with it?

Patience… I or someone else will get to it at some point.


I cut 2 seconds out of the original video clip in the project to get a smaller file. When I exported it the sound effect does not seem to be lagging at all. The “punch hit effect” coincides with the blows being delivered.

I also put the exported video back in Shotcut on a separate track and everything lined up and played exactly the same as the video in the MLT.

The exported video is here.

And here’s the OP’s original uploaded project (minus 2 seconds) as it plays in Shotcut.