I am looking into possible ways of doing something with the filters. I need a few days to look into it more closely.
HTML animations can be done offline and imported into Shotcut as video clips. I am experimenting with this at the moment and can see that we can get much more complex animations in clips for Shotcut (like the spinning cube and “the Writing on the Wall”.
The main problem is Opacity. Total transparency (opacity: 0) could be handled using the Chroma Key filter, but levels of opacity cannot, so far as I can see. However, like I intimated with the filters, there may be a way. It would involve exporting the clip out of Shotcut to which you want to apply the HTML or other WebVfx effect, and use this as the background for the HTML effect. This is do-able. Again I am experimenting with this.
So far as I know (and again I could be corrected on this) the answer is “No”. the MLT would be asking to use WebVfx and that wouldn’t be available.
I’ve been experimenting with this since last night and getting some really good results without having to resort to resort to speeding up and slowing down, as I did with Sharex, by feeding the HTML directly into OBS as a “source”.
As I said, I hope within a few days to have done some more experimenting and come up with a way, if not to fully replace WebVfx, at lease to alleviate the hassle that its removal would cause.