November 19, 2021, 9:13am
There are other solutions besides using the old (WebVfx-enabled) Shotcut version, such as using OBS Studio to record the animation and importing the recording into Shotcut. See here for more information:
I am looking into possible ways of doing something with the filters. I need a few days to look into it more closely.
HTML animations can be done offline and imported into Shotcut as video clips. I am experimenting with this at the moment and can see that we can get much more complex animations in clips for Shotcut (like the spinning cube and “the Writing on the Wall”.
The main problem is Opacity. Total transparency (opacity: 0) could be handled using the Chroma Key filter, but levels of opaci…
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Thanks to being prompted by reading a few posts here recently I’ve started to get back into using Inkscape to create SVG files. I thought I’d combine them with some HTML and Javascript to produce some simple, but effective, animated effects. Below is my first attempt. For those interested, here’s how I did it.
Basically, using Inkscape:
I created some text within an oval shape;
I separated each of the letters as individual objects;
I converted all the objects to paths
I saved the result as an…