Want Transparent Background with Color Text

I’m using Shotcut 24.06.26 on a Macbook Air. I want a transparent background with colored text. However, I don’t get the “alpha” option that I see in online tutorials when clicking “Color”. This has to be simple, but I’m just not finding anything online that looks like my options or addresses my needs. I am not wanting transparent text, rather colored text with transparent background. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @mesha. Hope I interpret your request correctly…

If you do:

Open Other > Color
Open Other > Text

… the background will be set to transparent by default.

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This is because macOS has superior usability :laughing:
Shotcut uses the macOS-provided color dialog, which calls it “Opacity” in the English version:

Note that your dialog may look different depending on dark mode and which tab is selected using the icons along the top:


Shotcut uses the macOS file and font dialogs as well.

I am using subtitles and probably made a mistake while searching the write color and background.
The fact is I don’t know how to go back to the background transparent… It shows in grey on this picture (and I can add that all the other subtitles are ok)
Can somebody help me please?

Click the little gray square next to “Background”

A color dialog will open. The exact layout of the dialog may depend on your operating system. Mine looks like this.

The main thing is that you want the “Alpha” to be zero.

…ou, Opacity=0% sur MacOS, comme le montre @shotcut ci-dessus
…or, on MacOS, Opacity=0%, as shown by @shotcut above.

Thanks guys! I appreciate.
Et @SergeC j’aime bcp vos tutos sur Youtube :wink:

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Merci. Ravi que vous aimiez. Malheureusement, par manque de temps, la chaine est en standby :unamused:
Il y a pourtant tellement de nouveautés dans Shotcut que les sujets ne manquent pas.

Thank you. Glad you like it. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, the channel is on standby :unamused:
Yet there is so many new features in Shotcut that there is no shortage of topics.

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