I know vignette filter gets you like a black fade on the sides but can you get the vingnette effect but on all 4 sides?
I know vignette filter gets you like a black fade on the sides but can you get the vingnette effect but on all 4 sides?
To me vignette is more a corner thing than a side thing.
And in Shotcut, at least in my versions of Shotcut, it already work on the 4 corners.
I’m sorry i didn’t get myself out clear i want to get the vignette effect all around the image like on the sides and on the upper and lower side if you understand what i mean
Maybe an image of what you want would help understand, if you can find one?
You can add a Mask: Simple Shape filter (with the settings shown below) under the Vignette filter.
But you also need to add a black clip (Open Other… > Color > Black) on the track under your image.
ok, it worked thanks, reccently i’ve made a post on how to get the vignette with the flikering effect, i got the solution but it doesn’t seem to work with this
Can i make a flikering effect on this that you’ve shown me?
There’s no reason why it shouldn’t work. Just try what @shotcut showed you in the other post.
Part of the fun with Shotcut is learning by trying things and experimenting. Don’t worry, you won’t break anything
ok, yea i agree, it’s fun to figure stuff out yourself
Thank you for helping
Remember that the order in which you stack the filters is important.
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