Video cuts out on 3min! Help?

There’s the video in question, I left in the comments where the times stop. I’m very new to video editting This is my second video I’ve tried on Shotcut, and while still learning, I don’t know what’s wrong with this video! It plays just fine on the program (the fade outs don’t always show on the timeline preview but pop up nicely with the actually video.

While I’ve editing the video, I haven’t done anything at the 2:59-3:00 mark, a screenshot to show :

It fades back in at 11:48 or so, where I did put a fade.
I was trying to google the problem and some people mentioned the fades end up black screening the video oddly? I can’t figure out where I went wrong though, I hope I can get some help!

Oh wow… I want to see the rest of this video, ha ha. Really nice.
Sorry, got distracted. Obviously you have saved the mlt, have you tried shutting down Shotcut, then restarting, they try to export again?

Ah thank you, but yes I have saved the mlt, and I just tried shutting down and restarting then exporting, same problem sadly!

There was a bug fix recently that might have impacted you:

Use the workaround to remove the Fade Out Video and Fade Out Audio filters and re-add them.

It worked!!
I just took out the fades and then it said error, so I closed it and took off the fades then put them back again and then it worked haha. Thank you very much!!

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