URL import limiting run time

Hi all

First post but long time Shotcut user, hope I have posted in the right section, apologies if not.

My question as follows, if I import a url directly into Shotcut it works but how do I set it to stop after a predetermined time so I can export it as a video?
It just sits there and says “Live” and never stops and eventually crashes.

As an example say I import the url below into Shotcut:

It displays perfectly but now I want to export as a video lasting 30 seconds?
How do I do that as Shotcut just sees the page as “live” with no end.

Thanks in advance.

Add it to the Playlist, and it will prompt you for a duration. From there, you can export it or add it to the Timeline.


Thank you for your reply, I have tried what you suggested however there is no prompt for duration.
It always defaults to 10 minutes (00:10:00:00) in the Playlist with no option to change.
Tried using “Open other” and simply dragging the url directly into the Playlist pane, no difference.


Never mind, my fault, was not clicking the + button to add.
It now works perfectly, thank you.


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