The last version I installed (on Win10) was 240428 and it allowed me to specify the installation folder. Now I installed 240913 and it rushed through without asking, overwriting my installaton in C.\programs\Shotcut230614 (!) It took me a while to figure that out - I would have expected this to go into a new folder C:\programs\Shotcut.
Is there a way to change the installation folder with the *exe, without having to resort to the portable version?
It looks like this is common behavior of the very popular Inno Setup installer we use. You should just use portable to have multiple installs. All the installer does is unzip for you, make an app icon to launch it, and register an uninstall item in Windows. It is not typical at all for an installer to offer users multiple app icons and uninstall items with a version or some other user-defined name in them. Use the installer for one folder and Start icon. Use the portable for other versions.
Alternatively, before installing a new version with the installer, simply rename the current folder to put its version number into it. The installer does not know about the rename and still installs to its old location.
I see - thanks for the clarification. So it seems you changed the installer some versions ago. If the installer (mainly) just unzips the archive then it is definitely much much faster than unzipping the archive of the portable installation.
As it seems there are no dependencies on registry entries with the portable version I’m OK to use this in the future.
Literally everything is faster than the unzip built into Windows. It is incredible. You can get other utilities like 7-zip that unzips very fast.
All seem to work same for me, 7zip,winrar, built in unzip. All take the same amount of time unzipping usually… Built in one usually wins by 2-3 seconds many times, I think the upgrades are getting better for windows 11.
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