Understanding transitions at end of tractor

Hi all,
I’m studying building MLT files from code and learning how shotcut works. It’s very cool.
In general the structure is clear and sensible.
One area I don’t understand is this: if I add a video to a timeline and have a fade in/out, within the <tractor> node will be <transition> nodes:

    <transition id="transition0">
      <property name="a_track">0</property>
      <property name="b_track">1</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">mix</property>
      <property name="always_active">1</property>
      <property name="sum">1</property>
    <transition id="transition1">
      <property name="a_track">0</property>
      <property name="b_track">1</property>
      <property name="version">0.1</property>
      <property name="mlt_service">frei0r.cairoblend</property>
      <property name="disable">1</property>

This confuses me because the <chain> node has the filters clearly on it and they make sense.

Removing the <transition> nodes stops the visual fade from occurring, but doesn’t stop the audio fade!

I’m pretty sure the a_track and b_track refer to a zero-based array index into the tracks, e.g. a_track=0 means “background” and _track=1 means playlist0 in this example:

  <tractor id="tractor0" title="Shotcut version 24.11.17" in="00:00:00.000" out="01:04:55.560">
    <property name="shotcut">1</property>
    <property name="shotcut:projectAudioChannels">2</property>
    <property name="shotcut:projectFolder">1</property>
    <track producer="background"/>
    <track producer="playlist0"/>
    <transition id="transition0">
      <property name="a_track">0</property>
      <property name="b_track">1</property>

but can anyone help my understanding of how the transition nodes fit in?


Study MLT docs. A MLT transition is not exactly the same thing as a video editor transition.

Thanks for the reply.

I’d been reading the docs, specifically MLT - Documentation

I’m struggling to grasp the concept, hence this post.

Perhaps I’ll rephrase my question. Is a transition in the context of a track about how the compositor should blend producers within the track? If so, are the track numbers (track_a=0, for example) referencing the list of producers in that track?

If this is a “read the code” question then ok, but if anyone has insights it’d be appreciated.

A MLT transition is an effect with 2 inputs and 1 output. The transitions on this track are doing the video track blending and audio mixing. Yes, the track indexes are to the track elements.

Perfect - thank you!