Unable to move certain clips slightly

I’m trying to align audio/video and need to move all audio clips (several) about +.04s forward. I did this with about half the clips successfully. But this one random transition audio clip will not move for some reason! Even if I turn snapping off, it won’t move the correct amount. Why is this happening? Especially weird that other very similar clips have had no trouble doing the exact same thing. I included a vid showing this issue.

(PS ignore the black squares for privacy)

It is quirk in behavior with transition clips only and only occurs when the new start or end of the transition within the time range of its old position. You need to work around it maybe by using ripple trim instead of move multiple clips individually, by making a bigger gap to allow you to move it further and then adjusting it back, by trimming on each side of the transition, or by removing the transition and redoing it.

thanks, i’ll find a way to work around it!

In case you need it, I came up with this workaround.

The use of a marker helps to move the transition clip exactly where you want it.

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