Transition without overlap

How to make a transition wihtout overlapping ? Here’s my problem:

I have two streams (each is a track in the timeline) 2. A speaker giving a presentation, 3. A live audience attending the presentation in a galery view. I also have an empty track, call this 1. (this represents the order of tracks).

Tracks 2. and 3. are synchronous recordings (i.e. they were made at the same event).

What I want to do is transition from the view of track 2 to track 3 for audience discussion after the presentation. At the beginning of the event I did the reverse (from 3 to 2) by copying a piece of 3 into 1 and shifting that bit over the top of a copy of 2. Since at that point 2. is a fairly constant screen with a slide on it worked. But for the reverse transition, which is from a constant slide to a dynamic audience shuffling around in their seats speaking questions its more difficult - if I move part of a copy of a clip it will destroy the synchronisation. I need somehow to have a transition that completely “overlays” the content without shifting it back. The only way I can think of to do it is a filter on a copy of a small bit of 2 just before the transition and a filter on a copy of 3 - WITHOUT overlapping - but this limits what the transitions can be - is there a better way ?


It’s not clear from your description of what you mean or the kind of transition you want. Pictures would’ve helped make things clear. When you mean “slide” do you literally mean that the other video is animated to slide on top of the the first video as a transition?

If I understand your issue, instead of pushing the clip back to have footage to create the transition you could just leave the clip where it is and just extend the clip to where you want like so:

and that way you would have enough footage to create the transition and keep everything in sync.

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Si j’ai bien compris votre demande:
Sur V1 mettez le clip de l’orateur
Sur V2 mettez le clip du public

Positionnez la tête de lecture au début du clip du public (V2) et appliquez un filtre “Opacité” réglé sur 0%
Cliquez sur le chronomètre des images-clés cela va ajouter une image clé au début du clip.
Dans la fenêtre des images-clés réglez le type sur “Discret”

Déplacez la tête de lecture ou vous souhaitez faire apparaitre le clip du public
Ajoutez une image clé avec le chronomètre
Réglez la valeur d’opacité sur 100%

Déplacez la tête de lecture ou vous souhaitez faire apparaitre à nouveau l’orateur
Ajoutez une image clé avec le chronomètre
Réglez la valeur d’opacité sur 0%

Répétez pour chaque changement de vue.

If I understand your request correctly:
On V1 put the speaker’s clip
On V2 put the audience clip

Position the playhead at the beginning of the audience clip (V2) and apply an “Opacity” filter set to 0%.
Click on the keyframe timer this will add a keyframe to the beginning of the clip.
In the keyframe window set the type to “Discreet”.

Move the playhead to where you want the audience clip to appear
Add a key frame with the timer
Set the opacity value to 100%.

Move the playback head or you want the speaker to appear again
Add a key frame with the stopwatch
Set the opacity value to 0%.

Repeat for each view change.


Perfect, thank you @Namna -andy

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