Timeline not visible after first launch

What is your operating system?
Gentoo Linux version 6.1.67 64-bit intel
I installed it through emerge media-video/shotcut.
This is my package.use:

>=media-libs/mlt-7.22.0 jack ffmpeg frei0r
>=media-libs/opencv-4.8.1-r1 contribdnn contrib qt6

Perhaps I’m missing some qt6 library.

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)?
Shotcut version 23.09.29

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
Timeline is gone. I mean it’s here but It’s all plain white and I can’t see any tracks. I can click to add one but it doesn’t show up. A circle cursor shows when I try to drag files from the playlist onto the timeline.

Your version of Shotcut is incompatible with Qt 6.6. It is already fixed in a newer version (as noted in our release notes). If you have trouble getting that version from Gentoo, you can give a bundled build on our Download page a try.