Three Point Editing

Three-point editing is a technique used in video editing to manipulate footage by using three reference points: an in-point, an out-point, and a cut point. It’s particularly useful when you need to extract a segment from a source clip and insert it in your Timeline. The segment can also be inserted into to the Playlist.

The Three Points

In Point

This is the starting time of the segment you want to insert into the Timeline. In the Source player, you set the in-point at the specific frame where you want the clip to begin.

The keyboard shortcut used to set the in-point is the “i” key.

Out Point

This is the ending time of the segment you want to insert. In the Source player, you set the out-point at the specific frame where you want the clip to end.

The keyboard shortcut used to set the out-point is the “o” key.

Cut Point

This is the location in the Timeline where you want to insert or overwrite the new clip. To set the cut point, move the playhead at the frame where you want the new clip to be inserted. If there is more than one track in the Timeline, also make sure to change the current track to where the segment needs to go.


The last step is to execute the edit operation: Paste (insert) or Overwrite. Drag-n-drop is not recommended but still possible. With drag-n-drop the playhead is only a visual cue and not as precise.
