The .exe doesn't work

Ok, I started to have a lot of problems with Shotcut. The video got stuck, the program freeze frequently, etc. I followed many of the advises given here like exclude it from Defender and nothing worked.

So, although I was already thinking in moving on to another program, I decided to give it one last try by uninstalling it and downloading again. Thinking that maybe that will make me have not only the latest version but also will start clean.

Now that I’m trying to download the thing again, Windows says it can’t run the .exe file. No matter how many times I tried, and I already restarted the computer. I need to have a video ready for this weekend so if this is not solve I’ll had to whether use Movie Maker, paid (or crack) Premiere or find another free video editor.

I try downloading the program from:

I use Windows 8.1 in a PC. Thanks.

Open Command Prompt, Type in ‘sfc /scannow’ the windows system will now scan itself for errors and repair them.

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