Text:Rich filter not exporting what shows in Shotcut

@Christina just messaged me that she is blocked from posting for the rest of the day because of the first day limit that’s put on the amount of posts that new users can make. This is what she sent me regarding her experiment:

No difference from what was exported previously. Shotcut preview looked great, both export without parallel processing and with parallel processing showed the giant text cut off after a few words

I reproduced this bug. It is due to running a High DPI desktop (Windows Settings > Display > Scale and Layout > 100%). This makes the text component in the VUI (on-screen editor) a higher density than the exporter.
Until this is fixed, you can of course use Text: Simple, or I found a workaround that worked for me by forcing Windows to run Shotcut not in high density mode. Shotcut will not look as pretty, but I hope the workaround works for you too. Open the properties of the shotcut.exe in Windows Explorer

In the Compatibility tab, click Change high DPI settings

Then, click the checkbox to Override to turn it on and make sure System is selected.
Finally, click OK twice to close these dialogs. Of course, if Shotcut was running you will need to restart it for these changes to apply. Also, you will need to adjust the font size in your rich text filters since they will look larger like your previous exports did.


@DRM Thank you for posting this, and thank you for all your instruction!

@shotcut Thank you for looking into this! I think I will stick with Text: Simple for now to keep the quality high for the viewers.

Let me clarify that when I wrote “It will not look as pretty” I was referring to the Shotcut UI. What I suggested as a workaround does not affect the export quality.

I also found today this problem only affects Windows and not macOS or Linux.

Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification. Perhaps I will look into that and play around with it a bit then. I do like the multitude of options for text that Text: Rich gives over Text: Simple.


This is fixed for the next version.

Wonderful! Thank you for all the hard work you put into this program! It really is impressive and very helpful.

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