Text effect CHALLENGE - re-create this effect!

Here’s a little challenge - reproduce this text effect!

Everyone is welcome to take part. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, feel free to share your attempts, even if they’re not perfect.

A SIMILAR effect (not an exact reproduction) would be welcomed! The point here is to learn and practice editing techniques, and most importantly, to have fun.

If you manage to crack the solution (either partially or fully), you can share videos of your progress and results. BUT PLEASE DON’T REVEAL YOUR METHOD RIGHT AWAY. Give others a chance to figure it out, too.

Notes - I did it in a few minutes (100% Shotcut) and used several video tracks. With more time I could have reduced the number of tracks - but extra kudos is given to anyone who can reproduce this (or a similar effect) using 1 track and make a filter-set for it!

Extra points for those who compose and record the backing music! :wink:

If anyone wants to reproduce the “explosion” effect towards the end (note, the text effect is played twice on the demo), here’s a resource matte image which may help. I designed it a few years ago.

Good luck!


Nice challenge @jonray!
And very cool effect

I’ll give a try tonight or tomorrow.
Not sure I’ll be able to come up with my own backing music though :upside_down_face:

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Just hum something and record it with your iPhone… :wink: :laughing:

Looking forward to your rendition on one track, with filter-set. :sunglasses:

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Pour s’approcher au mieux, pourrait-on avoir le nom de la police SVP ?

To get as close as possible, could we have the name of the font please?


Hi @namna. Sure. Segoe UI Black Bold.

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Voici ma contribution.
Je n’ai pas la police Segoe, donc j’ai utilisé une police qui lui ressemble.
De même pour les couleurs, j’ai fait au feeling.
Et pour l’animation de sortie, plutôt que d’utiliser le fichier de @jonray j’ai ajouté une petite touche personnelle.
Pas de musique, j’abandonne les points bonus.
2 pistes pour le défi et 1 supplémentaire pour l’animation de sortie.

Here is my contribution.
I don’t have the Segoe font, so I used a font that looks like it.
The same for the colors, I did it by feeling.
And for the exit animation, rather than using @jonray’s file I added a little personal touch.
No music, I give up the extra points.
2 tracks for the challenge and 1 additional for the exit animation.


SUPERB, @namna! Congratulations. Love the exit animation!

SUPERBE, @namna ! Toutes nos félicitations. J’adore l’animation de sortie !

I’d love to know how you did the exit animation! You can tell us after the challenge is over…

J’aimerais savoir comment vous avez réalisé l’animation de sortie ! Vous pourrez nous le dire une fois le défi terminé…

Hi all

This is what I had time to do today. I’ll try to come back to it tonight or tomorrow.
Not a perfect copy. And no exit animation for now…
But there is music :wink:

Done on one track, if you don’t count the dark blue clip (with a slight gradient) on track V1.
If we count the background clip though… then 2 tracks.

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Pretty good! Hey, my music’s been murdered! :rofl:

Actually though I do have to point out that neither yours nor @namna’s has the slightly zoomed text which mine has… :upside_down_face:

Très bon! Hé, ma musique a été assassinée ! :rofl:

En fait, je dois souligner que ni le vôtre ni celui de @namna n’ont le texte légèrement zoomé que le mien a… :upside_down_face:


Ah bon, il y avait un zoom ? :roll_eyes:
Il est tellement subtil que je ne l’avais pas vu. :face_exhaling:
Voici une version corrigée avec un vrai zoom :rofl:

Oh well, was there a zoom? :roll_eyes:
It’s so subtle that I hadn’t seen it. :face_exhaling:
Here is a corrected version with a real zoom :rofl:

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Much better!! LOL! :rofl:

Beaucoup mieux !! MDR! :rofl:

Oui, enfin il y a du son ! :rofl:

Yes, indeed there is sound! :rofl:


Just a slight variation…

Juste une légère variation…