Swiss Saxony from the Sky

Here is a little video animation of the Elbsandsteingebirge (Swiss Saxony) where we spent our autumn holiday for hiking. Its an animation made with Google Earth Studio and composited in SC. Didn’t do much of effects or filtering in SC beside some minor color-, contrast- and sharpening and putting some music underneath.
Swiss Saxony from the sky


Briiliant. Apart from the stationary cars & people and a few “shadow artifacts” you’d think this was drone footage. Who needs a drone when you have Google Earth?

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I recorded the footage in double resolution (4k) and reduced it in final production to HD together with a little sharpening (not too much) so that it looks more detailed. There a some very detailed areas in GE, some less detailed and most areas have no 3d detail information at all - just the landscape. I was lucky here :slight_smile:

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