Strikethrough Images . .

Aloha !

Making a strikethrough text is easy. I however have a bunch of images on screen I want to strikethrough with animated red stripes while sounding a little buzzer.

I have been able to do this by replacing the normal images with the strikethrough images using for example a barndoor filter. But it is very cumbersome. I need two images for every item on the screen, one normal and one strikethrough-version and the transistion is not very easy to get it uniform.

So I thought, I can use the normal images and reuse one transparent images of a red stripe right?
Wrong! If I then fade out the strikethrough-images, The red stripe is also becomming seethrough which is ugly.

So the question :
Is there a simple way to do strikethrough images ?




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Hi @jecepede

Searching on Google for strikethrough text results in variations of this:


I doubt this is what you mean :slight_smile:

Can you provide a clip that shows an example of what you are looking for?

Aloha !

Was I that unclear? I apologise for that :slightly_frowning_face:
But I’m not sure how to make it more clear.

  • I have a small image on my screen in the video. Originally a JPEG file.
  • I want to strike the image through with a ‘growing’ red pencil-like line.
  • Then fade out the strikken image.

I have made a small vid as an example.
Note, the quality is not that great but it is about the strike-out effect.





Placer un clip couleur rouge sur la piste supérieure
Mettre un filtre Crop: Rectangle pour créer une ligne (hauteur trÚs faible)
Animer la longueur avec deux images clés
La ligne sera soit horizontale, soit verticale, donc si besoin ajouter un filtre SPR pour la faire tourner.
Ce sera malgré tout toujours une ligne droite.
Il est possible de la déformer en courbe avec le filtre 360 Equirectangular to rectilinéar
Autre possibilité, utiliser Glaxnimate

Place a red color clip on the top track
Put a Crop: Rectangle filter to create a line (very low height)
Animate the length with two key frames
The line will be either horizontal or vertical, so if needed add an SPR filter to make it rotate.
It will still be a straight line.
It is possible to deform it into a curve with the 360 Equirectangular to rectilinear filter
Another possibility is to use Glaxnimate


To be honest, that’s what I thought. But I asked for an example to be sure.

You can quickly achieve this using a Crop: Rectangle filter with keyframes.

I used this image for the red line (red line on transparent background) (44.4 KB)



@Namna looks like we posted almost at the same time :slight_smile:
On dirait qu’on a rĂ©pondu presque en mĂȘme temps :slight_smile:

@MusicalBox Oui, j’ai eu de la chance d’ĂȘtre lĂ  a ce moment, et surtout je n’ai pas eu Ă  crĂ©er le png et la vidĂ©o. En espĂ©rant que les explications texte suffiront. :wink:

@MusicalBox Yes, I was lucky to be there at the time, and especially I did not have to create the png and the video. Hopefully the text explanations will be enough. :wink:

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Aloha !

Oh yes. The cropping. That is way more elgegant than my clunky transition solution.
Thank you for that @MusicalBox and @Namna :+1:

Only one question though; If you now fade out the two images (virus & red line),
the red line will get transparant as well showing the virus image again.

I would like to have the red line not gonig transparant relative to the virus jpeg when fading out
like it did in my earlier posted example video.





Hmmmm I have not checked out that all to much yet. Will do :smile:

Maybe you could fade out the red line image, then fade out the virus image immediately after?
That doesn’t look too bad.

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Ajoutez sur la piste au dessus de celle de la ligne rouge un clip Blanc (ou l’image de fond que vous souhaitez) avec un filtre opacitĂ© qui passe de 0 Ă  100 pour cacher tout ce qui est au dessous.

Add a white clip (or whatever background image you want) to the track above the red line with an opacity filter that goes from 0 to 100 to hide everything below.

Red line.mlt (7.8 KB)

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Aloha !

Not sure if that will work. My background is a moving video and I have more than one strikken image that I want to fade out independantly. It will be doable but way more complicated than my initial transition “solution”. :thinking:


Good idea !!!
I just did some experimenting with that. I found if I do it the other way around and ofset the fading of the virus and the red line by 15-20 frames using keyframes, then the virus is starting to fade just before the red line starts fading. The transparency of the red line sudenly is not as noticable. I would say it is pretty acceptable, best solution yet :slight_smile:





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