Strg+Z takes ages

Hi dear forum, first of all a big thank you for the great Shotcut ecosystem. I’m interested in undoing actions using Ctrl Z. Pressing this key triggers an approximately five-minute calculation on my computer. This puts a strain on one core and the RAM is suddenly expanded to the maximum. In the screenshot you can clearly see Ctrl-Z, right where the RAM jumps.

I have to wait for Shotcut to respond. The good news: The program is reliably coming back. The RAM is sometimes cleaned up and drops to the pre-level, sometimes it stays high just short of maximum. The behavior is reproducible. It’s so bad that I’m considering sticking a thumbtack on the letter Z, pointy side up, to avoid pressing the key :wink:

I have an i7 8650 laptop, 16GB Ram, Shotcut 01/25/25 with Win 10 22H2.

Sadly, Shotcut is known to have memory leaks.
These leaks are present when you delete (include Ctrl Z) something in the timeline or sometimes watch a video that is not in the timeline.
Restarting the application after deleting a lot of parts and restarting the application before start exporting videos are a good practices.
These memory leaks are difficult to resolve.

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Ok, thanks for the info. Then i just have to restart more often, no problem.
Or i’ll just stick to my best practice method with the thumbtack :wink:

Best greetings

P.S.: Be careful when closing the laptop :sweat_smile:

This is more frequent (for me) on very large projects where there’s a lot of small clips in the timeline. One tip is to split your long projects into smaller ones (<10min) if possible. Also for me disabling ripple all tracks seems to mostly fix the delays (but of course you need to manually undo the changes on all tracks affected.

You should be able to stick with emotional pain only if you just remove the ctrl+z shortcut from the app’s settings :smiley: