Speech to text

In the latest update, is it possibe to convert the voice in played video to text (subtitle) ?
If possible, the how?
Answers will be appreciated
Shotcut version 241029 on windows 10 pro.

Hi @Motim

  • Place your video in the Timeline.
  • In the Subtitle panel, click on the Detect speech… button shotcut_k0GGqpHTJY
  • Wait for the 2 jobs to complete (the Speech to Text job might take a while to complete depending on the length of your video).
  • In the Subtitles panel, open the menu and either choose:
    • Export Subtitles to file to export a SRT file
    • Burn In Subtitles on Output See here for more details.
    • Generate Text on Timeline Creates a track above all the other tracks in the Timeline an adds one text clip for each subtitle.


MB congrats for the video tutorial … It helped a lot !

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I think a small model comes preinstalled according to release notes but not for me? I am on Linux based distro if that matters…

Of course that matters because we cannot control what gets built and installed. Whisper.cpp is a separate project that we bundle in our builds. You need to do extra work to get it from your distro, and it may not even be available.

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