Someone seems to be disliking all my Forum demo videos

Hi folks,
I think there is some mean person who is “disliking” ALL of my YouTube demo videos I post here on the forum.

Just look as I scroll through the videos I’ve posted since May this year. Most have 0 “likes” and 1 “dislike”.
I went right back to the previous 105 videos I posted back on June 26th 2023, and ALL of them are the same - they ALL have 1 “dislike”.
Before that date, all was normal, with no “dislikes” at all for any of the videos I posted.

Screen capture (no audio):

I’m totally fine with the 0 “likes” - I’m in no way chasing “likes” whatsoever.
But I am upset about the fact that I’m getting these “dislikes” constantly.

It MAY be a coincidence, and it MAY be different people for different videos, but these demo videos only have a small amount of views, which is expected. Also, I always set them to “unlisted”, and ONLY post the link on the forum - meaning only a person viewing the forum knows of its existence.

It seems to me a horrible, nasty thing to do - these videos take me a long time. I really love making them and contributing to the development of Shotcut, but this really makes me downhearted, and really feel like I might give up contributing because of it.

If there is one person doing this and reading this, what have I done to cause you to hit the dislike button so often? I’m just trying to help people. Thanks a lot.


@jonray I think there is no denying the value YOU bring to the entire Shotcut community. You have helped hundreds and thousands of people. Unfortunately in this world exists trolls, and those people are malicious and never happy. As a Youtuber myself I know the feeling and I just ignore.

Think about all the good you do for people and how thankful we are to learn from you. Those are the people who matter. Don’t let that one sourpuss change why you are doing this in the first place. Many video editors are better off because of you. That’s the BIG picture!


Entièrement d’accord avec @bentacular , les gens qui vous allument virtuellement sont plutôt lâches. Continuez, nous on vous aime bien. :kissing_heart:

Totally agree with @bentacular, people who virtually tease you are pretty cowardly. Keep it up, we like you. :kissing_heart:


Be Happy with it! Dislikes are better for the youtube algorithm than no likes!


Gosh, @bentacular, those are really nice comments. Wow, I didn’t expect it - thank you. Helped thousands? Your figures are a bit generous there, but I appreciate your support very much!

@namna, thanks very much too for your kind comments. True to form, and bang on cue, my video above was no exception. I hour after posting, 8 views and 1 dislike…

@namna, merci beaucoup aussi pour vos gentils commentaires. Fidèle à elle-même et pile au bon moment, ma vidéo ci-dessus n’a pas fait exception. Une heure après la publication, 8 vues et 1 dislike…

@alex007, Great point, thanks!! I hadn’t thought of it like that!!

Thanks so much for your replies. A it happens, I’ve woken up feeling very differently. It’s no long under my skin. Who the hell cares about this? Not me any more. Sorry to bother the forum with this. I will totally ignore it and carry on doing what I love to do, when I care to do it, just accepting it and realising, sadly, that politeness can’t always be accepted, or expected, as the norm in everyone.

Thanks again.


Coming from a troll, a thumb down means you’re doing something good.


Jon, you are obviously a kind soul who goes out of his way to try and help whenever and wherever possible. It is for that reason you are a highly valued member of the shotcut community.

However, being that way inclined does leave you emotionally vulnerable to the type of behaviour only an arseh0le would engage in. And sadly, they are probably reading all this and laughing.

My advice - don’t even pay them the time of day. Continue to move forward knowing they are so extremely unhappy in life that they have to try and bring you down, just so they can feel better about themselves. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

The best thing you can do is to make another demo and rub it in their face. Do not let them win mate! I usually just like your posts in here but will start clicking the YT like button also from now on.

Now THAT should make YOU feel better!


Hi Jonray
I will echo what Bentacular says - I always look forward to your posts and have learned so much from them over the past few years. Don’t be put off by one curmudgeonly individual. Your service to the community is exceptional and we salute you for all the hard work you put into making these videos. Keep them coming.

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Hi @PoisonedSlice , and @robridge,
Gosh again, thanks so much for those unexpected comments!. Once again, I didn’t expect this at all.
Really, guys, I am over it now! Whoever it is, they can keep doing it if they want - I really couldn’t be bothered now. Whatever their reason, I don’t care. I’m not even going to check. Much more interesting things to think about!
and … many many people unfortunately have more to worry about than this… so it’s no big deal - I was just extremely disheartened when I discovered what had been happening, that’s all. Thanks for letting me sound off.
Back to videography, folks! Enough, now… LOL! :grin: :grin:

Well, that’s really nice of you! But really, no need. I’m not chasing or counting likes at all! Have a great day out there in NZ!

:rofl: Ha, I guess you’re right!! Good point! :+1: :sunglasses:

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