Snap to the beat

As nothing beats cutting video to the beat of a song, pun intended, I want the option to snap to the beat, ie one row is the audio file and the cursor snaps to every beat, so I can adjust length of the clips aswell as starting points accordingly.

I would welcome this feature also.

But in the mean time, I use this method. Maybe it will also fit your needs.

Of course, the playhead will not snap to the beats, but the peaks in the waveform are easy to see and helps to position the playhead.

This works best with most modern songs. They either use drum machines or edit the drum track to correct any mistakes made by the drummer.

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This goes even beyond. If this tool can detect changes in music as in faster, slower, more emotional, sharp cut, it is much easier to tailor the clips to it.

It may not be continuous but the beat is actually good.