is it possible to use keyframes with slow motion?
which filter do i have to use to set slow motion via keyframes? i can only set a speed for a whole clip.
please help me, thank you very much!
Slow motion has no filters. You can slow a clip and apply filters that have keyframes to the clip.
@bigjuergo wants to keyframe the speed property. That is not available and no plans to add it anytime soon, but I will move the to the suggestions category, which is quickly becoming my to-do list for the rest of my life.
ok thank you for the answer!
i start to love shortcut more and more.
as far i do not know any linux program except slowmotionvideo that can handle slow motion via keyframes or allow to fade in / fade out a slowmotion clip. that would be an awsome feature to make actionclips like you know them from gopro.
that would be great for drone shots as well.
How please tell, i want it to do my montage :c