Size Position & Rotate and NoSync works on sth different than current layer plus strange blinking

What is your operating system?

What is your Shotcut version (see Help > About Shotcut)? Is it 32-bit?
22.11.25 and 22.12.21

Can you repeat the problem? If so, what are the steps?
(Please be specific and use the names as seen in Shotcut, preferably English. Include a screenshot or screen recording if you can. Also, you can attach logs from either View > Application Log or right-click a job and choose View Log.)


Project with two layers: 1) top with transparent image (created with “open other/color” plus one filter “gradient” (blend mode: screen) 2) bottom with image.png plus some color corrections (probably not important)

As filter “gradient” doesn’t use keyframes I wanted to use “Size Position & Rotate” filter to simulate movements (to have some kind of light moving effect). When adding SPR to top layer (as second filter after gradient) instead of moving only gradient I move the image from bottom layer (and probably not even the bottom layer but the source image as there is no collor correction then).

The same effect is with “NoSync” filter added to top layer instead of SPR. It might suggest the the problem is not in SPR filter itself but perhaps in “gradient” filter?

Edit (added later):

Additionally I found another problem concerning “gradient” filter. Even if I don’t use SPR filter, after export (and also sometimes during preview) it causes strange problems with transparency (blinking).

I prepared two projects. You can take them from here:

The file 2022.12.26_shotcut_bug_strange_blinking presents this strange blinking after export even without using SPR.

The file 2022.12.26_shotcut_bug_size_position_rotate_works_on_sth_strange presents that SPR works on sth different than current layer (my cat is duplicated without any reason). Please observe shotcut behaviour with top layer visible and not visible.

I also added exported mp4 files, just in case.

Definitely sth is wrong here… Thanks for help. :slight_smile:

This was fixed in the march release. Can you please test with the latest release and report back?