Size position roration

The “size, position, rotation” filter is the most used filter.

Is it possible to create a shortcut to access it directly or possibly add a button with the same purpose? (Some software offers such a button called transform)

I know that it is possible to copy the filters to other clips but it is not very easy if you only want to copy the “size, position, rotation” filter.

I also know that it is possible to apply the filter to the entire video track but this also poses difficulties when the track partly includes clips created with the slideshow function with an adjustment of clips that do not all have the same format.

Thank you for considering my request

You can mark it as a favorite. You can search for it including using “trans”(form). That already makes it fast to apply:

  • press F
  • Filters opens and search has focus
  • type “size”
  • press Down to reach the result
  • press Enter

But also there is already a road map item for what you request called “quick effects VUI.”


@shotcut, how interesting that you an search for the SPR filter with “trans”(form). Just curious, does the search look for metadata, or keywords, or similar?

@ROBERT_DOYEN - @shotcut’s method is very quick - but if you want an even faster method (achieved with just one or two keypresses), and you’re on Windows, you could consider my Auto HotKey script.
Here’s it working (no commentary or sound on this demo video):

I set the Hotkey (trigger) as Ctrl + 1 but if you change the line

 ^1::   ; Set the hotkey (trigger)


 numpad1::   ; Set the hotkey (trigger)

the script can be activated by just pressing 1 on you number pad.
Here’s my script. It’s for AHK v2. Just remove the fake .txt extension. You’ll have to install AHK though.
Shotcut - apply the Size Position and Rotation filter quickly - AHK2.ahk.txt (667 Bytes)

For information, here’s the working part of the AHK script above:

 ^1::   ; Set the hotkey (trigger)
 send "f"
 send "size,"
 send "{down}"
 send "{enter}"

When you mouse or cursor over a filter in the chooser, there is an animated icon and description at the bottom. Those are the “keywords” searched in addition to the filter’s name. I chose not to try to actually describe the filter because it can be difficult to create, verbose, and thus slower to read than synonyms and keywords that can elicit search hits.

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Interesting! Thanks for the reply. Yet another SC fact I didn’t know. Great work Dan! PS thank you so much for the new bins and View>files features. I appreciate your continued hard work! :clap: :+1:

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Many thanks for your quick reply.

I read and appreciate your tutorials and your musical talents (flute and composition).

A quick question: can the script you wrote work with the portable version of shotcut ?

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Yes. Auto Hotkey works globally on your system and has nothing to do with Shotcut per se. The script I posted simply automates the normal sequence of keyboard shortcuts that you would press manually to produce the effect you want - ie to apply a SPR filter to a clip. As I mentioned, this sequence of shortcuts is triggered by just one or two keypresses.

BTW, since it does act globally, it’s important to exit the script after using it with SC, because if you don’t, pressing the hotkey when SC is not running will still activate the keyboard shortcuts - and MIGHT give some unexpected results!

Thanks for your kind comments about my tutorials and flute music, BTW!