Yet another transition for Shotcut.
I created that one to use in a video I made for my grandson.
I’m afraid it will only work properly on 1920 x 1080 projects.
Sorry 720p and 4K enthusiasts.
@MusicalBox I have designed a small HTML file that will accept a resolution e.g. 1920 x 1080 and a framerate e.g. 30 fps and will then create the relevant version of your transition preset. I thought it a shame that others with different project resolutions were missing out and it does away with the need for more than one file for the various framerates.
The HTML file is below, just remove the “.txt” suffix and run it in a browser window. You can easily copy the result to the clipboard using Ctrlc
Honestly @Elusien sometimes I think you should use this image as your profile picture:
This is awesome. Thanks a lot.
I quickly looked at the code in the HTML file.
When (or if) I ever create a another transition with filters that uses pixels to set the sizes and positions, I guess a completely new HTML file will be needed. Right now I don’t see how I could edit that file myself to use on other TXT presets.
I wouln’t mind Gandalf’s hair, my hairstyle is more like Yule Brinner’s in The King and I.
The artistry is in developing the preset in the first place, the rest is just coding. A nice team effort.
The main problem was the keyframing. I changed the times at which the keyframes occurred into frame-numbers according to the framerate which is why you see code like: ${(0.8*fr).toFixed(0)} (the .toFixed(0) rounds it to an integer). The horizontal and vertical values (x,y) I had to convert to percentages of the horizontal and vertical resolutions like: ${(0.874*hr).toFixed(0)} (i.e. 87.4% of the horizontal resulution).
It’s a bit quick and dirty, as I’m still a bit under the weather, though now COVID-negative thank goodness, but it works. It would really help if the x,y positions in the Shotcut filters could be expressed as percentages. It would make it so much easier.
If you could point me to, or provide me with, a ZIP of all of your TXT presents I could try to do something similar, though maybe a bit more professionally - possibly a single HTML file with a selection of presets to choose from.