Shotcut version 20.10.31 - how to scale?

Hello guys,
I recently downloaded this great video editor (version 20.10.31) yet I’m experiencing one major problem which I couldn’t solve or find any solution anywhere - Sometimes my Gopro camera rotates the shots (I film mostly underwater so it’s hard to control the camera) and I need to rotate them 90 degrees - I managed to do that on the 20.10.31 version but what seems impossible is to scale the shot to fit the frame afterwards.

From what I read here in the forum, this option was merged with the rotate option or something similar? Can someone tell me how to scale then?

I also noticed that on older version there was a “rotate and scale” option in the filters (on the 20.10.31 version you have “size, position, rotate” or “elastic scale” - and non of these actually manages to scale the shot to full size after rotation). So, should I just uninstall and reinstall an old version of shotcut? if so, which version would you recommend?

Thank you all in advance,

No, the new version should do fine. Filter size, positio and rotate seems right. Pay attention to the video mode - it should fit. If you have a portrait shot and cut top and bottom away to have landscape you need to “blow” the image up. You can also use the crop filter - maybe that works better here.

Thanks for the reply Rilo, by “pay attention to video mood” you mean perhaps that by putting it on auto it might adjust the image on its own? So far it doesn’t seem to work but I probably miss something here. I guess I need further clarification (p.s. I’m really a newbie).

When I watch videos of older versions I see a “scale” bar which lets them stretch the image according to the frame size - I understand such a manual option is no longer available?

Still unable to zoom video after the changes the size the rotate change the ratio of video for youtube any other way to control the scale of a video

Pour être sûr de bien comprendre, pouvez-vous joindre 2 images issues de votre Gopro.
La première quand elle filme normalement
La seconde quand elle fait pivoter l’image
(si nécessaire, précisez le coté que vous voulez voir en haut de l’écran)

To be sure to understand, can you attach 2 images from your Gopro.
The first one when it is filming normally
The second when it rotates the image
(if necessary, specify the side you want to see at the top of the screen)

Namna this is what I’m dealing with - when I rotate the video (photo number 2) you can see the measurements don’t change and I get a very big background.
The video apps (BS player, VLC) do this scaling automatically and adjust the measurements while maintaining the video quality, and so do other editing programs.

I would imagine this issue to be very simple to solve but I must admit I spent 2 days on it and still no solution. If there are other solutions like locking the Gopro camera so it won’t turn or even rotating the videos on another application (without affecting the quality) I will be happy with that too.

photo number 2

It is very simple: change Zoom

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Dan wouldn’t changing the zoom affect the quality or resolution?
Also, changing the zoom doesn’t allow a perfect fit to the frame. From what I noticed I need to play with it quite a while to get an almost perfect fit (actually had to adjust the zoom % to the 0.1 point).

I’m insisting because I find it hard to believe that such a program cannot do the most basic function of every editing app. What I need is someone who’s using the 20.10.31 version I’m sure this person will have the answer for me and others

Zoom in Size, Position & Rotate is exactly like Scale in Rotate & Scale. Go ahead and use whatever version or other tool you want.

Also, if the file includes orientation metadata Shotcut automatically rotates for you with no quality loss. Maybe you can find a tool that will change the orientation metadata in your file. A web search on “mp4 set orientation” can help with that. Maybe we can provide an override for that in Properties in some future version.

Regardez la valeur du zoom dans votre photo number 2, vous êtes à 31,6 %
Vous pouvez donc zoomer sans problèmes

Look at the zoom value in your photo number 2, you are at 31.6%.
So you can zoom in without problems

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