Shotcut Tutorial on Stabilization

In this video I will demonstrate the differences between stabilized and non stabilized video clips. I will then demonstrate how to conduct a stabilization process in Shotcut and will also show the setting for hyper Lanczos interpolation to make this more effective. Shotcut uses and advanced Vid.stab algorithm to manage image stabilization and used correctly, this is highly effective.

This is a tool that will save you money, as most cameras with highly effective image stabilization are over $1,000. Shotcut has a free tool built in, that can manage to clean up a lot of these issues for you. This video will provide direct comparisons side by side and head to head of video that is pre and post process and I will demonstrate the complete process for your benefit. Shotcut videos that demonstrate this process have not typically included an adjustment to interpolation. When you watch this video, you will clearly see the power of the Shotcut stabilization algorithm. It is actually impressive. I hope the community here enjoys this and gets something out of this video.

Search “Scott Davis Shotcut Stabilization” to find this video in google.

If you want to converse or comment, please reach out to me here.

Thanks, Scott

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Here is the video

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