Shotcut toolbar missing items

I recently installed the Shotcut video editor. I am using 32 bit windows xp. The tool bar does not have the following: Peak meter, properties, timeline or export. It does, however have “Full Screen”. What do I do?

Shotcut supports Windows 7 and upwards.

Select in the View Menu(Top left) to activate what you want see in your toolbar.

please see the reply by steve ledger. I only have windows xp.

Which version did you install?

You can identify the version by clicking from the menu:

Help -> About Shotcut

The current and latest version is: Shotcut version 17.12.03.

You’ll also find an Upgrade option in the Help menu.

If you are running the latest, try changing your view to the default layout.

From the menu click: View -> Restore Default Layout

– L. James

L. D. James

As I’ve already indicated, implicit to the System Requirements Shotcut does not fully support Windows XP

Thanks for the replies, I have decided to figure out other options… David