Needless to say, having the last vid file place first on the timeline and the playlist is a major nuisance.
How to make shotcut open the files in ascending order again?
The files do open in ascending order when viewed with the Nemo
file browser.
Dell Inspiron 15
Linux Mint 22
Intel Core i5-5200U bits: 64 type
What you are talking about? Explain your steps. Whenever you talk about sorting or ordering you need to specify which field of data: name, last modified data, the order in which select using multi-select. You are probably selecting multiple files and dragging them in. These are added in the order your file manager provides them, not some arbitrary other choice like file name. It probably depends on the order you select in the file manager. Try harder; be smarter.
I multi-select 37 video files from icloud in ascending order, download and save the .zip file. Unzip the folder into the destination folder and look at the files using Nemo file manager.
Heres how they look (nothing has been selected since the unzip):
Files go in ascending order. Great.
Start a new project in shotcut. Click Open File and go to destination folder. Click the folder and this appears (nothing selected yet):
I hope you can see they are in descending order. No matter the order I select them this happens. Same thing in the Playlist.
Its the first time this has ever happened.
I hope this post is more informative.
Click the “Name” column header in the file dialog. The up arrow on the right side of the column header arrow shows it is in descending Name order. Shotcut does not control that; Shotcut is using your native desktop’s file dialog. The dialog remembers the order to which you last changed it.